A2 poster.
A2 poster.



LaDIYfest is a DIY feminist festival that started with the Riot Girrrl movement and continues to be held independently across many countries. I was involved from 2012-2014 in the organization crew, in various capacities. Here are the design materials I made in 2013, including hand drawn typography. We went all out that year, producing both a black and a pink version of the posters, flyers and stickers.

Flyers, front and back.
Flyers, front and back.
Cover of folding program design, able to print on one A3 sheet of paper.
Cover of bi-lingual folding program design, able to print on one A3 sheet of paper.
First spread of program, as it unfolds.
First spread of program, as it unfolds.
Totally open program.
Totally open program.
Back cover, folded up again.
Back cover, folded up again.
Sticker designs.
Sticker designs.
Name badge, which all the organizers wore during the festival.
Name badge, which all the organizers wore during the festival. Attached with a button from that year.